I recently had to debug an iOS application. As I am more a GNU/Linux user than an OS X one, I wanted to do it from my Linux machine. The easiest way would be to remotely debug over WiFi, but this might get quite frustrating, because of the recurring connection interruptions. Good news everyone: it is possible to do it over USB!

Here is what you need:

  • a jailbroken iOS device (I used an iOS 9.0.2 one) with OpenSSH installed
  • an OS X installation with Xcode for the debugserver (iOS equivalent of gdbserver)
  • that fancy USB proprietary cable
  • your favorite Linux installation

Getting debugserver

This part is taken from that guide.

Once your iOS device is jailbroken with OpenSSH installed, it is time to go on your OS X installation to prepare debugserver which is sort of an iOS application equivalent of gdbserver. The Xcode application has developer disk images for the supported iOS version:

$ ls /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/\
6.0	6.1	7.0	7.1	8.0	8.1
8.2	8.3	8.4	9.0	9.1 (13B137)

Choose the one corresponding to the version of your jailbroken device. For example with a jailbroken iOS 9.0.2:

$ hdiutil attach /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/\

It should be mounted to /Volumes/DeveloperDiskImage

Copy debugserver:

$ mkdir debugserver
$ cd debugserver
$ cp /Volumes/DeveloperDiskImage/usr/bin/debugserver .

You can now unmount the developer disk image:

$ hdiutil detach /Volumes/DeveloperDiskImage/

Create the entitlements.plist file that will be used to resign the debugserver:

$ cat << EOF > entitlements.plist
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0"> 

Resign the debugserver:

$ codesign -s - --entitlements entitlements.plist -f debugserver

And finally copy the newly signed debugserver to your Linux machine (e.g. with SSH).

Preparing the Linux host

I mentioned that debugserver is an iOS application equivalent to the gdbserver. It’s not entirely true because it is not compatible with gdb but with lldb, the debugger of the llvm project.

For example on a Debian based distribution:

$ sudo apt-get install libusbmuxd-tools usbmuxd lldb

Or on an Archlinux:

$ sudo pacman -S --needed usbmuxd lldb

Launch usbmuxd service, for example with systemd:

$ sudo systemctl start usbmuxd.service

If your distribution doesn’t use systemd, the package should come with an init or upstart script that you can use to launch it.

Connect your jailbroken iOS device to your Linux host and create an SSH tunnel:

$ iproxy 2222 22

Now you should be able to SSH to your iOS device through port 2222. If not already done, you should change the default alpine root password now.

$ ssh root@localhost -p 2222

Back to your Linux machine, copy the debugserver to the iOS device:

$ scp -P 2222 debugserver root@localhost:/var/private/root/

Now everything is set to debug your favorite application.

Finally debug something

To remotely debug an application, debugserver binds to a port so that you can connect to it with lldb. Creating a tunnel with iproxy to that specific port won’t work, we have to create a proper SSH tunnel. With the previous tunnel still active, create the SSH tunnel from the Linux machine:

$ ssh -L 12345:localhost:23456 root@localhost -p 2222

This means that any connection on port 12345 on localhost of the Linux machine will be redirected to the port 23456 of the iOS device through the tunnel.

On the iOS device, debugserver allows the following parrameters:

# ./debugserver 
debugserver-@(#)PROGRAM:debugserver  PROJECT:debugserver-340.3.51.1
 for arm64.
 debugserver host:port [program-name program-arg1 program-arg2 ...]
 debugserver /path/file [program-name program-arg1 program-arg2 ...]
 debugserver host:port --attach=<pid>
 debugserver /path/file --attach=<pid>
 debugserver host:port --attach=<process_name>
 debugserver /path/file --attach=<process_name>

It can launch an application or attach to a running one and it listens either on a Unix or TCP socket. In our case, we have to use a TCP socket.

Here is an example of debugserver attaching to process number 1844 and listening on port 23456 for incoming connection from lldb:

# debugserver --attach=1844
debugserver-@(#)PROGRAM:debugserver  PROJECT:debugserver-340.3.51.1
 for arm64.
Attaching to process 1844...
Listening to port 23456 for a connection from
Waiting for debugger instructions for process 1844.

Now on the Linux machine, with both tunnels still open, run lldb and attach to the debugserver:

$ lldb
(lldb) process connect connect://
Process 1844 stopped
* thread #1: tid = 0xdcc0, 0x380f9130, stop reason = signal SIGSTOP
    frame #0: 0x380f9130
->  0x380f9130: pop    {r4, r5, r6, r8}
    0x380f9134: bx     lr
    0x380f9138: mov    r12, sp
    0x380f913c: push   {r4, r5, r6, r8}
(lldb) c
Process 1844 resuming

For those that like to add extra functionalities to their debugger, such as peda on gdb, there is lisa that seems to add similar functionalities as peda to lldb.